
Data Structures

  • Write a code to remove duplicate integers in a singly linked list when:

    • when duplicates are consecutive

    • when they're arranged randomly

  • List data structures you are familiar with + explain use cases

  • Define dequeue

  • Difference between stack and queue

  • Difference between them: Array vs ArrayList, Stack and Queue

  • Design a Stack using Queue and vice versa

  • How can you count the number of unique words on your resume / any textual document?

  • Explain Stack, Queue, Arrays (any data structure) with a real-life example.

  • Is there any difference between a hashmap and a hashset?

  • Implement a Queue using two Stacks


  • Calculate time & space complexity for a given problem / code.

  • Difference between DFS and BFS

  • Difference between binary search and binary search tree

  • Difference between vectors and arraylist

  • Explain divide and conquer algorithms

  • Demonstrate any of the sorting / searching algorithms

  • Explain merge sort to a non-technical person

  • Write code for binary search.

  • What is the time complexity of bubble sort?

  • Performing level order traversal in a tree

  • How can you find a common node of two linked lists?

  • How will you search through 2 connected linked lists (sizes m, n) in less than O(m*n)?

  • Find the closest element to the given value from a sorted array (includes negative numbers as well) in less than O(n)?

  • How will you print the left representation of a binary tree (not a binary search tree)?

  • Demonstrate your understanding about merge sort.

  • Given a problem, perform binary search tree operations.

  • What do you mean by algorithms? Do not give me the literal definition. Impress me. Creativity level MAX 💪🏻

  • What is heap sort?

  • What is bubble sort?

  • Asymptotic complexity (e.g. time complexity of hamming code algorithm),

  • Which is fastest sorting algorithm? What is its complexity?

  • What is bubble sort? Write its algorithm.

Last updated

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